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A Speech Therapist’s Guide to Screen Time for Babies and Toddlers
Navigating screen time for young children can be a challenging task for parents, especially with the abundance of digital content available today. Keeping in mind the screen time recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is crucial to ensure a balanced approach. This blog post will provide you with practical guidelines and recommended programs to make the most of screen time for your little one, ensuring it remains a positive and enriching experience.
Help! My Baby is Not Waving!
Waving is one of your baby’s earliest forms of social communication. Many babies start to wave between 8-12 months. What should you do if your baby doesn’t wave by then? Keep reading to read some expert tips from a speech therapist!
Baby and Toddler Book Guide: Best Books to Buy Based on Your Child’s Development Stages
Knowing what books to look for when supporting early communicators can be tough. Thankfully, I have expert tips to make shopping easier. Use this month-by-month guide to help you shop for books for your little one. Check out these shopping tips from a pediatric speech-language pathologist.
What Are Verbal Routines and Why Do They Work?
A verbal routine is when we say the same set of words, the same way, during the same activity. Find out how speech-language pathologists use this easy strategy to help late-talking toddlers say more words!
Will my late-talking toddler catch up on their own?
While some late talkers “catch up” on their own, it’s impossible to tell which toddlers will and which will need professional support from a speech-language pathologist …
Why Is Pretend Play Important For Language Development? How Can You Encourage It?
If you’ve been told that speaking your home language with your child will do more harm than good, I am so sorry. Here is what I know as a speech-language pathologist who specializes in multilingual development in babies and toddlers.
Why Reading to Your Baby or Toddler is Important and How to Choose the Best Books
Knowing what books to look for when supporting early communicators can be tough. Here are some expert tips to make shopping for children under 5 easier.
8 Preverbal Skills Your Baby Needs to Master Before Saying Their First Word
If you’ve been told that speaking your home language with your child will do more harm than good, I am so sorry. Here is what I know as a speech-language pathologist who specializes in multilingual development in babies and toddlers.
Will Speaking Two Languages Hurt My Child’s Language Development?
If you’ve been told that speaking your home language with your child will do more harm than good, I am so sorry. Here is what I know as a speech-language pathologist who specializes in multilingual development in babies and toddlers.
How to Get Your Baby to Say “Mama” and “Dada”
As parents, we are always anxiously waiting to hear our little ones say our names. It is one of the sweetest milestones. While you can’t rush your baby’s development, these tips can help encourage your baby to call your name in no time!
What is Early Intervention? Is it a good choice for your family?
Early Intervention (EI) is one of the most important federal resources available for families of young children, but is it a good choice for your family? It might be! Keep reading to learn more about the program and how your family can benefit!
When will my toddler start combining words and saying phrases?
One of the most important communication milestones is when your toddler starts combining words! Use this tip to help your little one reach this exciting milestone!
How to Find a Speech Therapist for Your Baby or Toddler
Finding the right person to support your child in their communication journey can be an overwhelming process. Thankfully, depending on your child’s age, your family’s insurance status, and your personal preferences, there are a lot of options for getting your child the services they need.
How to Read Books to Your Toddler to Grow Their Language Skills (10 Tips from a Speech Therapist)
As a parent you probably know that you NEED to read to your child, but do you know HOW to read to your child? If it doesn’t come that easily to you, we understand! Luckily, as a baby-toddler speech therapist, I’ve picked up a few tips over the years to make reading a little easier and fun for you and your little one!
Why You Should Get On Your Child’s Eye Level
One of my favorite tips to share with families is to get on their child’s level. There are so many benefits to getting to your child’s eye level.
My Child Stopped Saying Words That They Used to Say. Is This Normal?
When your child seems to have a pause or a loss in their language skills, it’s natural to worry. But - how do you know when to worry?
Do boys really talk later than girls?
Do boys talk later than girls? Yes, but the answer’s complicated. Research shows that girls tend to be at the …
Is Your Little One Getting Enough Time Outside?
There are so many developmental benefits to playing outside. But is your little one getting enough time outside? According to research, your little one might be getting less free outdoor play than they should. Here’s what you can do.
My Child Needs Speech Therapy. Now what?
Starting speech therapy and finding the right person to support your child in their communication journey can be an overwhelming process. Where do you even start? Thankfully, there are a lot of options for getting your child the services they need, including early intervention, private speech therapy, and preschool special education.