When will my toddler start combining words and saying phrases?

Is your child learning to say phrases? If they are, this blog post is for you!

Toddlers typically start to put 2 words together when they can say about 50 words. They typically start combining two words around 24 months.

Verbs (actions words) are a great way to help toddlers begin to put two words together (“want juice” “car go”). Verbs are very important for language development because they help children to start building sentences.

Here are some tips for teaching your toddler to use action words:

  • Name action words during your daily activities to help them learn new action words for things they do every day. “You’re brushing your teeth. Brush brush brush!”

  • Give a choice of two actions to help them choose what they can do. “Do you want to jump or walk?”

  • Practice action words with big and small body movements during bath time, while you play with playdough, and while singing songs like “If You’re Happy and You Know It”.

It will take time for your child to start saying a new action word without your prompting, so this repetition is key.

Remember that learning to say new verbs is a process, and your toddler will need to meet these steps:

  1. Your child hears you label an action during an activity, but doesn’t imitate the word just yet.

  2. Your child imitates the action word after hearing you say it.

  3. Your child says the action word to label what you are doing on their own.

It will take time for your child to start saying a new action word on their own, so repetition is key.

Check out this FREE printable download with six things you can do right now to help your toddler put two words together!

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